Quick Quote

Found in the Quick Reference Panel at the right of your screen, Quick Quote provides basic price and volume data for the symbol you enter.

You can also access the Symbol Lookup window here, if you know the company or index name but not the symbol or vice versa.


Stock and/or option symbols and price and volume data shown here are for illustrative purposes only. Charles Schwab & Co., its parent or affiliates, and/or its employees and/or directors may have positions in securities referenced herein, and may, as principal or agent, buy from or sell to clients.

  1. Type the symbol in the symbol field and click Get quote.
  2. If you are unsure of the symbol, click Symbol Lookup to search for the symbol.


Links & More

At the bottom of the quote, you can open the stock in the Trade tab, access more information on the symbol, such as Charts and News. Through the More... button, you can access Research (on Schwab.com), Advanced Options trading, and much more.


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