
The Transactions tab displays transactions for the current day, as well as transactions made within the last 90 days. The Transactions view page is read-only, so the data cannot be manipulated, but can be exported for use with other programs such as MS Excel.

You can view trade executions, deposits, withdrawals, Trade Away and Prime Broker transactions, and transfers between your brokerage and a bank deposit account.

Transactions can be found in the Account Detail tool.

Note: Transaction History information is not available in Demo mode.

Setting Date Range

You can view up to the last 90 days of data, though the default view shows data up to 60 days. Click the From date field to set the start date for the data set you want to retrieve, and then click the To date field to choose the ending date. The default is today's date. Click Go to retrieve the data.

Exporting Transactions

To save the data for use in Excel or other programs, click Action and choose Export. You may also Export by right-clicking in the Transactions window and selecting Export.