News Overview

The News tool streams real-time, breaking news from Thomson Reuters* and Acquire Media right to your desktop. Scan the headlines, read the full story, and set up personal news watches integrated with alerts. You may have up to 3 News tools open across all open layouts at one time.

Get a demonstration and more information on the News tool.

Get the news you want, the way you want it:

Preview Pane

Headlines display in the upper portion of the News tool, and clicking on a headline will open the story in the Preview pane at the bottom.

Full Story Display

Tool Link Icon

Link the News tool to other windows in StreetSmart Edge® using the Tool Link Icon in the upper right corner. For example, by linking the News tool to the Trade tool, any time you load a symbol in the Symbol News tab, the symbol will also load in the Trade tool, and vice versa.

TIP: Another way to accomplish this is to use the Symbol Hub tool, which lets you see news, charts, and quotes all in one tool.

News Provider Settings

You may enable or disable specific news providers from streaming news to your News tool. To make changes to these settings, right-click in any of the news tabs or click the Actions drop-down and select News Provider Settings.(This is a global setting, so it is also available from the main Settings menu at the top of the software.)

Check or uncheck news providers as you wish and click Save to enable the changes and close the window.


*Professional users do not have access to Thomson Reuters news.