Block Trades

The Block Trades Indicator displays large quantity trades, which can affect market liquidity. You can define the minimum block size you wish to be notified about, as well as minimum and maximum stock prices to display.

You can customize the types of stocks to track in a Block Trade Indicator to display any combination of the following:

Using the Block Trade Indicator

Create a new Block Trade Indicator Tab

  1. Right-click on a Block Trade Indicator tab and select New Block Trade Indicator tab or click the + next to the tabs.
  2. To customize your new tab, select Tab Settings from the right-click or Actions menus. See more on Block Trade Settings...

TIP: You may display up to 4 Block Trade Indicator tools with up to 4 tabs in each. You can also save up to 20 tabs to the software (but save as many as you wish to a local hard drive using the Save as File feature).

Save a Block Trade Indicator Tab

Open a saved Block Trade Indicator Tab

To open a Block Trade Indicator tab in a new tab, right-click the + next to the tabs, and then take one of the steps below.

Name (or Rename) a Block Trade Indicator Tab

  1. Double click on the tab name. You can also right-click on the tab name and select Rename [tab name]
  2. The name field becomes highlighted and editable and you can type a new name.
  3. Press Enter to finalize the new name.

Adjust Color Settings

  1. From the right-click or Actions menu, select Colors...
  2. In the Colors window, you can customize the colors of each element, from background and highlight colors to font colors.
  3. Click Reset to Default Colors should you wish to return to the original colors.

TIP: Check Apply to all Block Trade Indicator tabs at the bottom of the Colors window if you want the color settings to apply to all Block Trade Indicator tabs.

Duplicate a Block Trade Indicator Tab

If you want to open another tab identical to an existing Block Trade Indicator tab, right-click on the tab at the top of the Block Trade Indicator tool and select Duplicate [tab name].

Close a Block Trade Indicator Tab

Click the X in the tab to close it, or right-click on the tab name and select Close [tab name]. Closing a tab removes it from your Block Trade Indicator tool but does not permanently delete it, unless you haven't saved it.