Alerts are designed to notify you when certain market conditions occur. They can help you manage risk on open positions or alert you to opportunities as favorable market conditions appear, depending on the type of conditions you include in the alert.
Alerts can also be a good stepping stone to using Conditional Orders, as they can help you learn to set up condition statements without the risk of orders being submitted.
Alerts are managed from the Alerts tab of the Account Detail tool.
TIP: The alerts tab does not initiate orders. Use the Conditional Orders tab in the Trade tool or Symbol Hub if you want to send an order when your conditions are met.
For a demonstration and more information on using Alerts, visit the Training page.
Getting Started
- Before setting alerts, please read the Alerts Guidelines topic for important information regarding alert behaviors you should be aware of.
- You can also customize the column display in your Alerts tab. See Alert Columns for more information on column settings.
Create Alerts
- Create an alert by clicking Create Alert at the top of the Alerts tab.
- You can also right-click on a symbol almost anywhere in the software and select Create Alert on [symbol] to begin creating an alert on that symbol.
- See Create Alerts for detailed instructions on setting up an Alert.
Edit an Alert
- Click on the alert in the Alerts tab.
- Either from the Actions drop-down or by right-clicking on the alert, choose Edit Alert.
- Make changes to your alert and click Update Alert.
Activate or Deactivate an Alert
You can manually change the activation status of an alert regardless of the Expiration date on the alert.
- Click on the alert in the Alerts tab.
- Either from the Actions drop-down or by right-clicking on the alert, choose Activate Alert or Deactivate Alert.
Activate or Deactivate ALL Alerts
- You can also activate or deactivate all alerts at once rather than one at a time.
- From either the Actions drop-down or by right-clicking in the Alerts display, select Activate All or Deactivate All.
Remove Alerts
- Delete alerts permanently by clicking on the alert and selecting Remove Alert in the Actions drop-down, or by right-clicking on the alert and selecting Remove Alert.
- You can also delete all alerts at once by choosing Remove All Alerts either from Actions or by right-clicking in the Alerts display.