The All in One trade tool is the most dynamic, advanced trading tool in the StreetSmart® family of software, offering unprecedented flexibility, particularly around option trading workflow. While similar to the Trade tool and the trading interface found in the Symbol Hub, the special features spelled out below help make the All in One tool especially valuable to option traders.
Open the All in One tool by going to Launch Tools and selecting Trade - All in One.
Like most tools in StreetSmart Edge®, the All in One trade tool has a tabbed interface, where you can customize the contents of each tab. If you often trade, for instance, calendar call spreads, you can create a Calendar Call tab rather than having to set the Options tab up for calendar call spreads each time.
Quickly turn a stock or option order into a multi-leg order using the button. If you change the characteristics of an individual leg, the tab updates the strategy and the option chain.
Two tabs in the lower portion of the All in One tool are Option Chains (the default option data display for all the trading tools) and Regional Quotes. Switch to the Regional Quotes tab to display the market depth for regional option exchanges and trades that occur in Time and Sales.
The Title Bar will display the last trade price, change direction, and change from the open, as well as the full name of the company or index and exchange.
Below the Title Bar is the Level I data, as well as the Order Status and Position Indicators, which show whether your account has open orders or positions in the selected symbol.
Customize the Level I display by clicking on the icon or contract/hide the Level I data by clicking the up arrows