Dynamic Ticker

The Dynamic Ticker is a powerful and fast way to get instant "signals" based on the activities of every market maker, ECN, or exchange. You can see changes to participants' quotes, quote refreshes, participants leaving or joining the bid/ask, and more.

To open, click in the Toolbar.


Dynamic Ticker signals can be viewed in either a scrolling text and/or graphical format. The graphical ticker provides bar graph-style representations of information on market participant activity, allowing you to determine the momentum of a security at a glance.

Note: Level II data subscription is required to view the Dynamic Ticker. Click Schwab.com > Subscribe to Level II in the main menu for more information.

Since StreetSmart Pro depends on third-party data feeds, lines, and systems, the accuracy and timeliness of market data cannot be guaranteed. The Dynamic Ticker may provide limited signals during periods of high volume.


Stock symbols and price and volume data shown here and in the software are for illustrative purposes only. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., its parent or affiliates, and/or its employees and/or directors may have positions in securities referenced herein, and may, as principal or agent, buy from or sell to clients.

The Ticker window can be scrolled vertically using the Page Up and Page Down buttons of the keyboard or by using the scroll bars on the right side of the window.

Adding/Removing Stocks in the Dynamic Ticker

There are several ways to add or remove stocks from tickers:


Load Stock List

Selecting this feature will allow you to load a previously saved Stock List into your Dynamic Ticker. Display up to 50 symbols in each Dynamic Ticker window.

Save Stock List As

Selecting this feature will allow you to save your current stock list to a file on your computer, which you can load later.

Clear Stock List

Unloads the current Stock List leaving you with a blank Dynamic Ticker window. This enables you to start a new Stock List from scratch by Adding Symbols (see Symbol List below for more info on adding and deleting symbols).


Dynamic Ticker will remember the last ten (10) stock list files you have opened. To toggle between files, click on any of them.


Closes the Dynamic Ticker window.




You have the ability to change the display of the Dynamic Ticker information:

Data Display

Text: To view the information displayed in text form, click on Text. To change the format click one of the available Data Formats:

  • Old Style Ticker: This style will display the stock, Market Maker/ECN, and the market participant’s quote, all on one line. Or choose 2-Line Display, Color Hilite, and/or Hilite Hi/Lo Prints from the Old Style Options panel.
  • New Style Ticker: This ticker will display one line with text, which describes each counterparty's change, i.e. Joins the Bid, Refreshes Ask, Lifts Bid, etc. It displays inside bids and asks as opposed to the market participants’ quotes. The information is automatically highlighted, though the colors may be changed in the Colors setting.

Graphical: Check Graphical Display to view the window's information in a graph style. To make changes in the display, click the Settings > Graphical Ticker in the menu bar. (See About Graphical Ticker Displays for more information)

Filters: Here you can select whether to show ECN Refreshes, Market Maker Refreshes, Quote Changes, and Hi/Lo Prints by checking or unchecking each filter.

Old Style Ticker must be selected for Hi/Lo Prints to be visible.

Symbol List

Click on Symbol List to add symbols or save a list of symbols under a file name.

To add symbols in a permanent file

  1. Type the symbol in the Symbol box then click Add, or press Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Once all the symbols have been entered, click on OK.
  3. Go to Save File As in the File menu and save the file with a new name.

Market Maker Selector

The Market Maker Selector allows individual Market Makers and ECNs to be excluded from the data. The file "markmake.txt" holds the master list of all known Market Makers. Listed exchanges can also be ignored in much the same way as Market Makers and ECNs.

Ignoring Market Makers, ECNs, or Exchanges

  1. Select either the NASDAQ or NYSE radio buttons. The NASDAQ list will provide all the Market Makers and ECNs and the NYSE will provide the list of exchanges that could appear on Level II.
  2. Type in the Ignore List box any Market Makers, ECNs or exchanges to be ignored.
  3. Press Enter. This will add them to the list.
  4. Or, highlight the Market Maker, ECN, or exchange.
  5. Click on the Add button to add the Market Maker, ECN or exchange to the Ignore list and vice versa to re-add to the Source List.

Graphical Ticker

Use this feature to make changes in the graphical display. (See About Graphical Ticker Displays for more information)

You can see, in a color-coded graphical display, the cumulative effect of the Market Makers’ activity in the stocks you are holding.

To Change Settings in the Graphical Display

  1. You have the option of setting the graph type to apply:
    • Activity Rate
    • Net Value
    • Rate Adjusted Value (Score)
    • Time Frame
    • Market Speed
  2. Click on Defaults to set the original default settings.
  3. Click on Help to get detailed information about the Graphical Ticker
  4. Click on Advanced for more advanced settings.

NOTE:  The Graphical Display default settings are based on average to high volume stocks.


Allows you to maximize screen space while still having quick access to up to 3 Dynamic Ticker screens in one window. See the Adding Tabs to Windows topic for directions.


Click to adjust font settings.


Click to adjust color settings.


Copyright ©Charles Schwab, & Co., Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. (1010-6351)