Adding Tabs to Windows

Tabs allow you to maximize screen space while still having quick access to multiple Chart, Watch List, and other tab-enabled windows. When tabs are enabled, your window will look something like this:

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Windows that have the tab functionality will have a Tab menu in their menu bar. To access the menu bar, right-click in the window and select Show Menu. The following choices will be available:



When checked, allows you to maximize screen space while still having quick access to several windows within one window. When unchecked, you must open several independent windows to view multiple Charts/Watch Lists/etc.


Select to add a new tab to the window.

Edit [tab name]
  • Select to edit the current tab's settings, including the name and location.
  • You can also edit a tab name by double-clicking on the tab and entering the new tab name.
Remove [tab name]

Select to delete the current tab from the window.

Use same symbol for all tabs

When checked, loading a symbol into one of the chart's tabs will also load the symbol on every tab in that chart window.

This setting is only available in the Chart Tabs menu.


To enable Tabs:

  1. Click Tabs > Enable in the window menu.
  2. To create tabs, click Insert. The Insert Tab window will open as shown below.

  3. Enter a name for the tab and specify its location in relation to existing tabs in the window using the Insert, Before/After, [tab name] fields.
  4. You can use another tab as the basis for your new tab by selecting the other tab from the Copy settings from drop-down. Select <Default settings> to create your tab with default settings.
  5. Click OK, and the tab will display in the Tab window. To change the name later, you need only right-click on the tab label and select Edit. Then, enter a new name. To remove a tab, click on the tab label and select Remove.
  6.  Use same symbol for all tabs [Chart Window Only]: Select this menu item (so that it is checked) if you want every tab to load the same symbol when you change the symbol in one tab. For instance, if you have this checked and you enter ABCD into one of the tabs in the window and press Enter, ALL tabs in that chart window will load ABCD.

TIP: You may establish different tabs for each new window you open. The tabs and other changes to your windows are saved when you save your layout.


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