The Order Status tab in the Account Detail window displays all orders - both open and closed - placed via any Schwab channel, including , TeleBroker™ and Velocity.
The Order Status tab displays:
Order Status automatically updates when orders are executed either via StreetSmart Pro or other Schwab channels.
Stock symbols and price and volume data shown here and in the software are for illustrative purposes only. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., its parent or affiliates, and/or its employees and/or directors may have positions in securities referenced herein, and may, as principal or agent, buy from or sell to clients.
NOTE: Short Sell-Exempt orders will display in your Order Status tab. A customer service representative may enter Short Sell-Exempt orders on your behalf in certain limited circumstances. The most common instance when this may occur is when liquidating the underlying security where the position is held as either an equity right, warrant, convertible or restricted stock. In these circumstances, the securities are not in an acceptable form for delivery on settlement date. Note that you must file an exercise for the right, warrant, convertible or restricted stock before your order to liquidate the underlying security can be marked as Short Sell-Exempt.
To view a more detailed, comprehensive view of an order from the Order Status tab of the Account Detail window:
Tab Columns | Descriptions |
Symbol |
The unique 1-5 characters used to represent the security. Symbols are defined by the different markets or exchanges. Sometimes a security might not have a symbol, in which case, an internal Schwab reference # will be used. |
Trade Type |
Type of trade, for bracket orders (Primary, Profit Exit, Trailing Stop, or Stop Loss). |
Action |
Order action (Buy, Sell, Short, etc) |
Quantity |
For stocks or mutual funds, this field reflects the number of shares the order is for. For fixed income securities, this field reflects the face value of the securities. For options, this field reflects the number of option contracts. |
Last Trade |
The price at which the stock last traded. For options, price is updated based on the inside market (bid for long positions, ask for short positions). |
Price |
Shows the amount you intend to pay or receive for the purchase or sale of a unit of the security. |
Current Trigger Price |
During market hours, displays the price at which a trailing stop order will be triggered. The trigger price is calculated by using the point or percentage amount and subtracting it from the bid on sells or adding it to the ask on buys. As the market moves up (for sells) or down (for buys) the trigger price moves up or down, and the Order Status panel displays streaming updates. |
Qty Filled At |
Information for the first fill. If there are additional fills, displays the average price with the number of shares. To view the individual fills, double-click on the order and an Order Details window will open displaying the fill events at the bottom. |
Method |
Method of filling the order (SmartEx, ARCA, etc.). |
Order time in force (Day, Good-Till-Canceled etc.). |
Change |
Specifies whether the order can be changed, Yes or No. |
Sec Type |
Security type (Equity, Option, etc) |
Date & Time |
Date and time at which the order was entered |
Order Number |
A unique order number given to each order for identification and tracking purposes. |
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