Highs and Lows

Stocks breaking new highs or lows may be breaking through resistance or support levels, possibly indicating a changing trend.

Find stocks and indices trading at new highs and lows on an intraday and/or 52-week basis. Take advantage of the proximity alerts to recognize when stocks are trading near their intraday and 52-week highs and lows.

To open, click in the Toolbar.


The Highs and Lows window displays the stocks on either the NYSE or NASDAQ exchanges that are breaking daily highs and lows, plus 52-week breaks and proximity alerts. The NYSE window will display all listed equities, not only those traded on the NYSE. You may open up to four High/Low windows at a time.

The NYSE information is active during the standard session and after hours. During the pre-market session it will remain empty. The NASDAQ information is updated during Pre Market, Standard, and After Hours sessions.

Stock symbols and price and volume data shown here and in the software are for illustrative purposes only. Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., its parent or affiliates, and/or its employees and/or directors may have positions in securities referenced herein, and may, as principal or agent, buy from or sell to clients.

This figure shows a typical NASDAQ/NYSE High-Low window, with a brief description of the colors and highlights. Colors used are the default colors.

To open the Highs & Lows window:

  1. Go to Tools > Start Tool.
  2. Change the High/Low setting to either 2 or 1.
  3. Click Start.




Load Stock List

Selecting this feature will allow you to load a previously saved Stock List into your High/Low window.

Save Stock List As

Selecting this feature will allow you to save your current stock list to a file on your computer, which you can load later.

Clear Stock List

Clears the Symbol List in the Settings > Symbol List dialog and enables you to start a new list from scratch by Adding Symbols (see Symbol List below for more info on adding and deleting symbols).  This will not clear the High/Low history.


Window will remember the last ten (10) stock list files you have opened. To toggle between files, click on any of them.


Closes the High/Low window.




Data Display

  • Days: Select the number of days across which you wish to see High/Low data, from 1 to 20 days. For example, if you select 3 days, you will see high and low data for today plus the last two trading days.
  • High: Check this option to view highs for the number of days selected.
  • Low: Check this option to view lows for the number of days selected.
  • NASDAQ: Check this option to display NASDAQ data.
  • NYSE: Check this option to display NYSE data.
  • Indices: Check this option to monitor Index highs and lows.
  • 52 Week High: Check this option to display 52-week highs.
  • 52 Week Low: Check this option to display 52 week lows.
  • Mix Proximity Alerts & Hi/Lows: Proximity Alerts inform you of stocks that are close to a daily high or low or 52-week high or low. Checking this option will combine the two in a single window.
  • Daily Hi/Lo Count: The Daily Hi/Lo Count is a number to the right of the price that represents the number of times the stock has broken a new high or low on the day. Even when the stock is highlighted (meaning it is at a 52-week high), the Daily Hi/Low Count still only represents the number of daily high or low breaks.
  • Signal 52-week approach: Will indicate when a stock is close to its 52-week high.
  • Signal daily approach: Will indicate when a stock is approaching its daily high.
  • Upper Threshold: The window will display a stock in yellow (unless otherwise changed) any stock that is 0.063 away from the daily or 52-week high. You can choose to change this amount.
  • Lower Threshold: The window will display in purple (unless otherwise changed) any stock that is 0.063 away from the daily or 52-week low. You can choose to change this amount.
  • Data Filter Increment: This feature allows you to filter prints based on the increment value change you specify here, from .01 to 1.00.

     If you only want new prints to display every time the trade price changes by .10, set this to .10 using the arrow buttons. Then when any of the stocks in your symbol list prints a trade .10 higher or lower than the last trade it printed, the symbol, quantity, etc. will display in the Print Ticker window. The color will correspond to whether it's a negative or a positive change.
    The Data Filter Increment will not apply to proximity alerts in the High-Low window, such as Signal 52-week approach and Upper/Lower Threshold.

Symbol List

Adding Symbols:

  1. Click Settings > Symbol List.
  2. In the Symbol List window type in the stock or index.
  3. After typing each, press Enter on your keyboard or click the Add button.
  4. After all the stocks and indices have been entered, click OK.

(Another way of adding/deleting stocks to the High/Low window is by pressing the Insert/Delete keys on the keyboard. Type in the stock to add/delete in the Quick Add/Quick Remove box that appears.)

Saving a Symbol List:

  1. Click File > Save Stock List As...
  2. In the Save window that appears, type in the file name you would like to save the list as, then click Save.


The filter allows you to ignore stocks above or below the set prices as well as below a user-defined Five Day Average Volume. Filters do not apply to indices.

  • Price-Level Filter allows you to set the price level below which, and above which, a stock will be ignored. Click on the arrow buttons provided to increase or decrease the prices within the Ignore Stocks Below and Ignore Stocks Above settings indicates these levels.
  • Five Day Average Volume Filter allows you to set the five day average volume below which a stock will be ignored.
  • Five Day Avg. Dollar Volume Filter allows you to ignore symbols with a five day average dollar volume below a certain value, use the up and down arrows to specify that value, and check Ignore Stocks Below...


Click to adjust font settings.


Click to adjust color settings.




When checked, allows you to maximize screen space while still having quick access to several windows within one window. When unchecked, you must open several independent windows to view multiple High/Low window. See the Adding Tabs to Windows topic for directions.


Select to add a new tab to the window. See the Adding Tabs to Windows topic for directions.

Edit [tab name]

Select to edit the current tab's settings, including the name and location.

Delete [tab name]

Select to delete the current tab from the window.


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