Options Top Ten

Quickly identify highly active option Series, Classes, and Contracts based on volume or price changes using the Option Top Ten windows.

To open, click Tools > Start Tools in the main menu and select the Option Top Ten window you wish to view.


The Option Top Ten window allows you to view the top ten Series, Classes, or Contracts for a particular class by volume, gains, declines, put/call volume, percent gains, and percent declines.

In the Settings > General menu, you may customize your Option Top Ten window(s) to your specific needs, including filtering by whether they are in or out-of-the-money and by particular expiration month.

Opening an Option Top Ten Window

  1. Go to Tools > Start Tool in the Main menu
  2. Next to Options Top 10 (Class, Series, and/or Single), increase the number of windows by clicking on the up and down arrow buttons.
  3. Click Start.




Closes the Options Top Ten window.




The General Settings window is a little different for each type of Option Top Ten window, but following are all the options available among the three.

  • Visible Boxes: Check Top Volume/Gainers/Decliners to see that data in your Top Ten window. Uncheck to hide that box.
  • Visible Columns: Each box above can show up to three columns of data, the viewing or hiding of these is controlled here. Check next to Volume, Change from Close, or % Change from Close to view; uncheck to hide.
  • Layout: Vertical layout will align boxes one on top of the other. Horizontal layout will align them side-by-side.
  • Sort Gainers/Decliners by: You may choose whether to sort your Top Ten windows by the securities' Change from Close or % Change from Close.
  • Filters:
    • In the Single Top Ten window, enter the underlying symbol for which you wish to see the top contracts in the Symbol field.
    • In Class Top Ten, you may enter up to 5 symbols to exclude from your top ten window.
    • Select from the remaining options the type of information you wish you see in your Option Top Ten window: Show Stocks, Show Indices, Show Calls, Show Puts, Show Option Name, Show Zero Volume.
    • Also, select whether to view items that are only In-the-money, only Out-of-the-money, or both (All money).
    • Finally, select an expiration month or leave the default All months.


Click to adjust font settings.


Click to adjust color settings.




Clicking Enable will add 2 tabs to the Options Top Ten Window.


Select to add a new tab to the window. See the Adding Tabs to Windows topic for directions.

Edit [tab name]

Select to edit the current tab's settings, including the name and location.

Delete [tab name]

Select to delete the current tab from the window.


Options carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options through Schwab. Multiple leg options strategies will involve multiple commissions. Please read the options disclosure document titled "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options." Member SIPC


Copyright ©Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. 2013. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. (0312-2067)