Applying Built-in or Saved Strategies

Several common strategies are provided with your software to get you started. Using these at first can help you learn the tools as well as learn to create your own strategies.

TIP: The following steps apply to any of the Strategy Tools. The only difference is that the Chart window only allows one Strategy to be applied at a time, whereas the other tools allow multiple strategies at once. Exceptions for this difference are noted below.

  1. In the strategy tool of choice, click Settings > Strategy Center... in the menu (for Charts, click Tools > Strategy Center...)
  2. The Strategy Center opens showing a list of Available Strategies, Selected Strategies (the strategies that are currently being used in that tool), and buttons allowing you to manage these two lists.
  3. To see what an individual strategy does, click on it and a description of the strategy will display at the bottom of the window.
  4. To apply the strategy, click the strategy in the Available Strategies list and then click Add. The strategy will be added to the Selected Strategies list (for Charts, click the strategy and check Show selected strategy on chart).
  5. Click OK to apply the changes to the tool.
  6. Refer to the topics for each individual Strategy Tool to learn about the information the strategy is returning:


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